The Law Of Reflection

Saul Braddock X
3 min readApr 2, 2021

The law of attraction is something that has been getting shared a lot in my personal development journey lately. Some people live and die by it and some people around me think it’s garbage.

Where do I stand on ‘the law of attraction’?

Well, in all honesty. I’d much prefer to consider ‘the law of reflection’ Which is an idea I have been jotting down in my journals lately. (And i’m sure there have been many that have studied the subject before me).

What is the law of reflection?

It is the perspective that everything outside of you is but a reflection (to a degree) of your centred state. Meaning whatever state you’re currently in and letting off into your experience is reflecting back to you (to a degree).

You may be displaying a certain mood/feeling/energy based off of what you’re internally pondering on. And life is seeming to reflect to you something similar.

For example, have you ever thought about the bills to the point of worry. And then, your partner or family member brings up something about the bills that are due?

Or you’re singing a tune in your head and then someone outside of you sings it out loud?

Or you’re thinking of a certain individual and then they either pop up through a message, phone call or randomly at the shops?

These are small examples of the ‘law of reflection’ at play. If you’re able to catch on to this perspective, then you’ll be in for a pretty exciting ride. Why?

Because noticing these little mental/physical polar experiences is exactly that. Little experiences. And as you begin to exercise taking notice of the polarities of your life’s scenarios, you begin to wonder about your influence over your life circumstances.

This is obviously somewhat similar to the ‘law of attraction’ perspective with but one difference, and the difference is that the ‘law of reflection’ is not primarily something you may use to ‘attract’ certain desired experiences.

But rather, to reflect upon your own present state of thinking and reactions. Which can then serve your present outer situations to potentially lighten up.

Reflecting upon things can help you to gain a greater grip on your circumstances. Rather than using the law of attraction to try and magnetise something into reality (which is also cool, if your perspective is able to see life in that way) try stopping, acknowledging your breathing for a few minutes, maybe even looking in the mirror for 5 and then letting whatever thoughts that are coming to mind, surface.

You’d be surprised how much you can get out of doing such simple acts on the daily. But, how do you surface these thoughts to reflect upon them?

Well, there are a few exercises that have helped me to see myself from an outside view. One that has constructively impacted me would be in the form of writing.

Even if you consider yourself a terrible writer, it’s no matter. Because you’re writing to yourself and no body else.

What you can do, is writing for 5 to 20 minutes a day, whatever thoughts that come to mind. Write about different things, what you love, what you hate. What you’d love to have and who you’d love to become.

Write every day for 3–4 weeks and then go back to the first week of daily writings and begin reading it. Highlight anything that stands out.

This can have a massive impact on how you see yourself and will allow you to be more enthusiastic as to how you steer your reactions and identification of things.

And in turn, you’ll notice what that may do to potentially change the state of your situations and how much power you potentially have to influence your surroundings. Whether it be for a positive or negative effect, all comes down to how you treat the person in the mirror. When you have a healthy state of self-reflection, you might also reflect that to the world.

And who knows? Maybe the world returns the favour. :)

But you gotta stay persistent and keep steering your perspective to see this way of seeing. Over time, it becomes easier and life becomes more joyful (no matter what season is being experienced).



Saul Braddock X

Music artist, writer, wrestler, bodybuilder, actor, illustrator, painter, entrepreneur from Melbourne, Australia. Husband & proud father of 4.